Thursday, September 9, 2010

On Stationery

I'm going to need to go get stationery for the Procurement Letter. Our school district has a Printing Services office, and I can get some through them with a district logo on it, next to our PTA name and address. This stationery is ugly, and inexpensive, and therefore perfect.

It's ugly, simply because the district graphics are well, a bit dated-looking. But that's perfect, since it also looks kind of bureaucratic and official. And because it looks like our school does not spend money on the Wrong Things.

I think this is important. We make a statement with stuff like stationery. And there is a balance between creating a fun event where people loosen up and contribute money, with creating the perception that we will be responsible stewards of that contributed money.

The procurement letter will look legit with the district stationery. And it will look a little austere. And that's good.

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